John BarnardUntitled, (Coastal Waters)watercolor on canvas21 x 28 1/2 inJohn Barnard, Untitled, (Coastal Waters)3,000.00
August BiehleScene in Southern Germanyoil and gouache on paper31.75 x 25 inAugust Biehle, Scene in Southern Germany23,000.00
August BiehleStill Life with Gladiolas, 1937oil on masonite29.5 x 23.5 inAugust Biehle, Still Life with Gladiolas, 193716,500.00
August BiehleCorner of Superior and 30th Street , 1920watercolor and pencil on paper10.5 x 13 inAugust Biehle, Corner of Superior and 30th Street , 19202,450.00
August BiehleRiverfront: Cuyahoga River , 1932lithograph on paper8.25 x 11.75 inAugust Biehle, Riverfront: Cuyahoga River , 19322,100.00
August BiehleBrecksville Under Bridgewatercolor19 x 24 inAugust Biehle, Brecksville Under Bridge12,000.00
Elena BraunReve d'Or (peach color roses)watercolor on canvas13 3/4 x 19 3/8 inElena Braun, Reve d'Or (peach color roses)1,500.00
Hans BuschLandscape with Tree and Farmhouseoil on board26 x 22 inSold
Clara DeikeItalian Fishing Boats, 1919oil on canvas20 x 16 inClara Deike, Italian Fishing Boats, 191915,500.00
Clara DeikeBlue Table Still Life, 1935oil on board24 x 20 inSoldClara Deike, Blue Table Still Life, 1935Sold
Clara DeikeE341 Still Life, 1953oil on board26 x 24 inClara Deike, E341 Still Life, 19539,800.00
Clara DeikeE322 Still Life, 1939oil on canvas24 x 20 inClara Deike, E322 Still Life, 19398,500.00
Clara DeikeE347 Still Life with Statue, 1936oil on canvas26 x 24 inClara Deike, E347 Still Life with Statue, 193610,500.00
Clara DeikeE343 Still Life III, 1948oil on canvas24 x 26 inClara Deike, E343 Still Life III, 19489,500.00
Clara DeikeE301 From the Wharf, 1953oil on board25 1/2 x 23 inClara Deike, E301 From the Wharf, 195312,000.00
Clara DeikeE346 Still Life with Flowers & Fruit, 1956oil on board24 x 20 inClara Deike, E346 Still Life with Flowers & Fruit, 19568,500.00
Clara DeikeE342 Fish, 1946oil on canvas24 x 26 inClara Deike, E342 Fish, 19469,500.00
Clara DeikeE330 Flowers, 1955oil on board24 x 20 inClara Deike, E330 Flowers, 19558,750.00
Clara DeikeE315 Still Life, 1960oil on board24 x 20 inClara Deike, E315 Still Life, 19607,500.00
Clara DeikeStill Life with Masks, 1936oil on canvas26 x 24 inClara Deike, Still Life with Masks, 19369,500.00
Hugo Melville FisherCountryside Scene with Trees and Streamoil on canvas24 x 20 inHugo Melville Fisher, Countryside Scene with Trees and Stream2,500.00
Teri GilfilenAutumn Fieldsoil on board24 x 32 inTeri Gilfilen, Autumn Fields6,500.00
Gillia HillWildflower Meadowoil on board9 3/8 x 12 3/8 inSoldGillia Hill, Wildflower MeadowSold
Hugh Huntington HowardEveningwatercolor on paper16 1/4 x 13 inHugh Huntington Howard, Evening900.00
Alfred JanssonPastel Forest Landscape, 1917oil on canvas25 x 30 inAlfred Jansson, Pastel Forest Landscape, 19175,500.00
Henry KellerPink Peonieswatercolor and gouache on paper22 x 17.5 inHenry Keller, Pink Peonies3,200.00
William Adolphus KnellMaritime Scene: English Ship at Anchor in Moonlightoil on canvas8 x 12 inSoldWilliam Adolphus Knell, Maritime Scene: English Ship at Anchor in MoonlightSold
William Adolphus KnellMaritime Scene: English Ship at Anchor in Daylightoil on canvas8 x 12 inSoldWilliam Adolphus Knell, Maritime Scene: English Ship at Anchor in DaylightSold
Evert PietersOn the Shoreoil on canvas35 x 43 inEvert Pieters, On the Shore17,500.00
Robert Lewis ReidUntitled Sunny Landscape with Three Figures near Bend in Riveroil on boardboard size: 18 1/2 x 30 inRobert Lewis Reid, Untitled Sunny Landscape with Three Figures near Bend in River15,000.00
Elizabeth TolleyQuiet Light, Maineoil on board9 x 12 inElizabeth Tolley, Quiet Light, Maine1,200.00
Elizabeth TolleyUntitled, (Retreat Shoreline)oil on canvas over board24 x 30 inElizabeth Tolley, Untitled, (Retreat Shoreline)4,500.00
Kenneth A. WoodCrossing the Flats , 1954oil on board22 x 38 inSoldKenneth A. Wood, Crossing the Flats , 1954Sold
Kenneth A. WoodBox Cars and Boats , 1949oil on panel24 x 40 inKenneth A. Wood, Box Cars and Boats , 19496,000.00
Diane YoungField Roadoil on canvas24 x 24 inDiane Young, Field Road4,200.00
Fernand QuignonHarvest, ca. 1890oil on canvascanvas size: 22 x 34 inSoldFernand Quignon, Harvest, ca. 1890Sold