The Bonfoey Gallery is the largest fine art gallery in northern Ohio. We offer an extensive selection of works by established regional artists. These pieces range from realistic to abstract subject matter and are available in many mediums such as original paintings, prints, photographs, drawings, sculpture, and glass pieces. View our collection of work below or stop in the gallery to see your favorite pieces in person.
The works of art on this page are intended to be those which are available, however, they are subject to prior sale.
Lindsey BallardCleveland City Abstract, 2021metallic print20 x 40 inLindsey Ballard, Cleveland City Abstract, 2021800.00
Lindsey BallardView From Wendy Park, 2021metallic print24 x 30 inLindsey Ballard, View From Wendy Park, 2021700.00
Lindsey BallardE 4th St, 2021lustre print24 x 24 inLindsey Ballard, E 4th St, 20211,000.00
Lindsey BallardPlayhouse Square, 2021Unframed metallic print, 20 x 24 inLindsey Ballard, Playhouse Square, 2021$ 900.00Photograph on metal, 30 x 36 inLindsey Ballard, Playhouse Square, 2021Sold
Jim BandsuhSuperman with Rocket Car, 2021oil on canvas36 x 48 inSoldJim Bandsuh, Superman with Rocket Car, 2021Sold
Jim BandsuhWanna take a ride?, 2023oil on canvas38 x 48 inJim Bandsuh, Wanna take a ride?, 20236,800.00
Jim BandsuhIt's a Bird, it's a Plane, it's..., 2024oil on canvas34 x 48 inJim Bandsuh, It's a Bird, it's a Plane, it's..., 20246,800.00
Jim BandsuhBlack and Blue, 2021oil on canvas48 x 38 inJim Bandsuh, Black and Blue, 20216,500.00
Jim BandsuhTanks for The Memories, 2022oil on canvas38 x 48 inJim Bandsuh, Tanks for The Memories, 20226,800.00
Jim BandsuhDog Fight, 2023oil on canvas24 x 48Jim Bandsuh, Dog Fight, 20236,800.00
Jim BandsuhDuck "Supe", 2022oil on canvas38 x 48 inSoldJim Bandsuh, Duck "Supe", 2022Sold
Jim BandsuhGreen Arrow-Yellow Taxi, 2021oil on canvas42 x 30 inJim Bandsuh, Green Arrow-Yellow Taxi, 20214,000.00
Judy BarieBlue Mistoil on panel40 x 20 inJudy Barie, Blue Mist1,800.00
Judy BarieOpposition II (diptych)oil on panel40 x 40 inJudy Barie, Opposition II (diptych)3,800.00
Judy BarieVariation Ioil on paper20 x 14 in
Judy BarieVariation IIoil on paper20 x 14 in
Judy BarieRhythm 1, 2021oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Rhythm 1, 2021700.00
Judy BarieVariation IIIoil on paper20 x 14 in
Judy BarieVariation IVoil on paper20 x 14 in
Judy BariePartitions Ioil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions I500.00
Judy BarieRhythm 4, 2021oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Rhythm 4, 2021Sold
Judy BariePartitions IIoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions II500.00
Judy BarieRhythm 5, 2021oil on panel18 x 18 inReservedJudy Barie, Rhythm 5, 2021Reserved
Judy BariePartitions IIIoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions III500.00
Judy BarieRhythm 6, 2021oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Rhythm 6, 2021Sold
Judy BariePartitions IVoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions IV500.00
Judy BarieRhythm 7, 2021oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Rhythm 7, 2021Sold
Judy BariePartitions Voil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions V500.00
Judy BarieRhythm 8, 2021oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Rhythm 8, 2021700.00
Judy BariePartitions VIoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions VI500.00
Judy BariePartitions VIIoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions VII500.00
Judy BariePartitions VIIIoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions VIII500.00
Judy BariePartitions IXoil on paper17 x 15 inJudy Barie, Partitions IX500.00
Judy BarieConnections IX, 2019oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Connections IX, 2019Sold
Judy BarieConnections II, 2019oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Connections II, 2019Sold
Judy BarieConnections XVIIIB, 2019oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Connections XVIIIB, 2019700.00
Judy BarieConnections III, 2019oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Connections III, 2019700.00
Judy BarieConnections IV, 2019oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Connections IV, 2019Sold
Judy BarieConnections XXVII, 2019oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Connections XXVII, 2019Sold
Judy BarieSimpatico #1, 2023oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Simpatico #1, 2023700.00
Judy BarieSimpatico #2, 2023oil on panel18 x 18SoldJudy Barie, Simpatico #2, 2023Sold
Judy BarieSimpatico #3, 2023oil on panel18 x 18Judy Barie, Simpatico #3, 2023700.00
Judy BarieSimpatico #4, 2023oil on panel18 x 18Judy Barie, Simpatico #4, 2023700.00
Judy BarieSimpatico #5, 2023oil on panel18 x 18SoldJudy Barie, Simpatico #5, 2023Sold
Judy BarieSimpatico #6, 2023oil on panel18 x 18Judy Barie, Simpatico #6, 2023700.00
Judy BarieSimpatico #7, 2023oil on panel18 x 18SoldJudy Barie, Simpatico #7, 2023Sold
Judy BarieSimpatico #8, 2023oil and panel18 x 18Judy Barie, Simpatico #8, 2023700.00
Judy BarieSimpatico #9, 2023oil on panel18 x 18SoldJudy Barie, Simpatico #9, 2023Sold
Judy BariePretense 1, 2022oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Pretense 1, 2022700.00
Judy BariePretense 2, 2022oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Pretense 2, 2022700.00
Judy BariePretense 3, 2022oil on panel18 x 18 inJudy Barie, Pretense 3, 2022700.00
Judy BariePretense 4, 2022oil on panel18 x 18 inSoldJudy Barie, Pretense 4, 2022Sold
John BarnardUntitled, (Coastal Waters)watercolor on canvas21 x 28 1/2 inJohn Barnard, Untitled, (Coastal Waters)3,000.00
Ron BarronUntitled #1 (Adrift Series), 2019scanned digital collage27.5 x 20 inartist proofRon Barron, Untitled #1 (Adrift Series), 2019950.00
Ron BarronUntitled #2 (Adrift Series), 2019scanned digital collage27.5 x 20 inartist proofRon Barron, Untitled #2 (Adrift Series), 2019950.00
Ron BarronUntitled #3 (Adrift Series), 2019scanned digital collage27.5 x 20 inartist proofRon Barron, Untitled #3 (Adrift Series), 2019950.00
Ron BarronUntitled #4 (Adrift Series), 2019scanned digital collage27.5 x 20 inartist proofSoldRon Barron, Untitled #4 (Adrift Series), 2019Sold
Ron BarronUntitled #5 (Adrift Series), 2019scanned digital collage27.5 x 20 inartist proofRon Barron, Untitled #5 (Adrift Series), 2019950.00
Ron BarronUntitled #6 (Adrift Series), 2019scanned digital collage27.5 x 20 inartist proofSoldRon Barron, Untitled #6 (Adrift Series), 2019Sold
Ruth BercawA Complement of Twenty (7), 2020/2021oil on Goyu paper collage30 x 22 inSoldRuth Bercaw, A Complement of Twenty (7), 2020/2021Sold
Ruth BercawUntitled No. 3 (Radiant), 2023mixed media and oil on canvas15 1/2 x 15 1/2 inRuth Bercaw, Untitled No. 3 (Radiant), 20231,000.00
Ruth BercawA Complement of Twenty (8), 2020/2021oil on Goyu paper collage30 x 22 inSoldRuth Bercaw, A Complement of Twenty (8), 2020/2021Sold
Ruth BercawA Complement of Twenty (9), 2020/2021oil on Goyu paper collage30 x 22 inSoldRuth Bercaw, A Complement of Twenty (9), 2020/2021Sold
Ruth BercawA Complement of Twenty (10), 2020/2021oil on Goyu paper collage30 x 22 inSoldRuth Bercaw, A Complement of Twenty (10), 2020/2021Sold
Ruth BercawA Complement of Twenty (11), 2020/2021oil on Goyu paper collage30 x 22 inSoldRuth Bercaw, A Complement of Twenty (11), 2020/2021Sold
Ruth BercawMarksoil on structured canvas63 x 22 1/2 x 5 1/2 inRuth Bercaw, Marks4,000.00
August BiehleVase of Flowersoil on board26 x 18 inAugust Biehle, Vase of Flowers2,000.00
August BiehleScene in Southern Germanyoil and gouache on paper31.75 x 25 inAugust Biehle, Scene in Southern Germany23,000.00
August BiehleStill Life with Gladiolas, 1937oil on masonite29.5 x 23.5 inAugust Biehle, Still Life with Gladiolas, 193716,500.00
August BiehleCorner of Superior and 30th Street , 1920watercolor and pencil on paper10.5 x 13 inAugust Biehle, Corner of Superior and 30th Street , 19202,450.00
August BiehleRiverfront: Cuyahoga River , 1932lithograph on paper8.25 x 11.75 inAugust Biehle, Riverfront: Cuyahoga River , 19322,100.00
August BiehleBrecksville Under Bridgewatercolor19 x 24 inAugust Biehle, Brecksville Under Bridge12,000.00
Diana BjelVessel #1, 2024brown stoneware18 x 12 inches$550.00
Diana BjelVessel #2, 2024White Stoneware17 x 10 inches$550.00
Diana BjelVessel #3, 2024White Stoneware16 x 12 inchesSold
Cathie BleckNight Kayakinks on scratchboard archivally mounted on maple panel, framed on linen with black frame7 x 10 inCathie Bleck, Night Kayak1,400.00
Cathie BleckUrban Gardeninks on scratchboard6 x 4 inSoldCathie Bleck, Urban GardenSold
Cathie BleckGiraffeinks on scratchboard4 x 3 inCathie Bleck, Giraffe375.00
Cathie BleckEagleinks on scratchboard4 x 3 inCathie Bleck, Eagle375.00
Cathie BleckFarminks on scratchboard4 x 3 inSoldCathie Bleck, FarmSold
of 19